Time Passing By



By Francine Van, Guest Contributor

Two years have passed since my last blog at this site. I reflect and remember my exploration of my inner desires to find my creative purpose in this world with retirement fresh. I have made several attempts in different directions, just following the moment of interest and as the expression goes, just as I was making plans a purpose found me.  A year as caregiver for my mother has taught me many things and my creative purpose is not one of them! The presence of death becoming a little closer, my pursuit is becoming a pressure of endurance in my efforts to raise my level of contentment.

I am one of millions always searching or longing for more, and believe I will follow my heart to keep my spirit alive and excited in whatever ways nourish me. I struggle with draining useless tasks that consume us, some required in this society and limit our freedom. I am always seeking new innovative explorations and look forward to comments of advice and suggestions.

I recently heard a comment about life being a changing set of circumstances you have to figure out and was inspired to write this free verse poem to describe my life at the moment.

This quote captures the essence of what I am experiencing at this time.

“life begins at the end of your comfort zone” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

About Golden Wave Movement Canada

The Golden Wave Movement is a made up of engaged individuals who have serious concerns about the increasing challenges retirees surviving on modest pension incomes face nowadays. While our main purpose is to raise awareness of the financial difficulties faced by this vulnerable group of citizens, we also intend to raise awareness regarding challenges related to their physical, emotional and psychological well-being and how to enjoy their golden years.
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10 Responses to Time Passing By

  1. Christine says:

    Reading between the lines I suspect you faced some challenges as a caregiver to your mom. Does that quote about the ‘comfort zone’ have more to do with struggling to accept that our lives are winding down yet dares us to go after unfulfilled dreams? Drifting away from our comfort zone could be an opportunity to bring passion to our golden years. Enjoyed your unusual poem ….all the best to you at this time of life.


  2. June Pinkerton says:

    I have been retired for five years now and seem to have days that are fuller than when I was ’employed’! I love my retirement time. I still do a little of what was my vocation all my life – the teaching of English and English Literature to teenagers. I find it fulfilling to be challenged by youth. My greatest joy, however, are those moments I spend in prayer and contemplation. Here is where I find real fulfillment. In the great gift of ‘time’ whether young or old we can relate to the Holy Spirit who leads us to Jesus- and then- young or old what is the difference?


  3. MAB says:

    If you are in good health why not embrace a passion that will give you a sense of satisfaction and also make you feel great to be alive when you wake up every day!!! Your passion is obviously writing …. I enjoyed reading your poem. You posses a very special skill and should continue along that path.


    • francine says:

      thank you, so what is your passion?


      • MAB says:

        You asked about my passion…… it is gardening. Grew up in a small farming community but had to move to the city for college and a job. I really miss the planting and harvesting season and farmers market to sell produce although it was hard work. Am soon to retire so jumped at the chance to join a gardening club … I am looking forward to continuing with this in my retirement especially since we work with school kids who don’t have gardens. This activity will familiarize them with some of life’s rhythms. Will also look at other activities as I do believe that we should look for activities that may be fun to try, not just for activities that may be a new life passion….then decide which ones to follow through with


  4. Cathy says:

    In our golden years we have to acknowledge that we have limited time left to enjoy life. It is a great relief if we don’t have to struggle financially. Staying at home and looking those annoying reality shows is a waste of time … with the exception of a few shows that tell wonderful stories or make you laugh there isn’t much to look at nowadays. Only about 1% of us will be lucky to escape age related illnesses, immobility and a slowing down before the ultimate reality of death. So we have to make every day count by engaging in enjoyable and creative activities and also make sure to cherish relationships with family and friends who make us feel good about ourselves.


    • francine says:

      I agree with you …so how do you spend your time?


      • Cathy says:

        I guess I should have been more specific in my response since you did ask for suggestions. I was a primary school teaching assistant for over 20 years. I was taking care of my own 2 kids and husband. My kids have left the nest and both my husband and I are retired with modest incomes. We didn’t really have a plan for how to spend retirement until the boredom set in. So I got involved in volunteering at the library. I am helping kids who are mostly new arrivals to Canada with reading, writing and English as a second language. This is basically a continuation of what I was doing before retirement. During major holidays we also help out at the food bank mainly packing donated items for the needy. It feels great to help others and, best of all, to lose that sense of isolation after leaving the workforce. I don’t know what your career background is but you could consider volunteering in that particular sector … or if needed seek a part-time job to provide additional income. What ever you decide to do and despite challenges we all face make sure you enjoy this time of life by engaging in activities that make you feel good.


  5. Dolores says:

    The autumn of our lives is a time to celebrate our positive gifts. Each person will find different ways to do this. I have friends who dedicate their senior years to helping the elderly. Other friends wrote poetry to inspire people and their work is published. Others learn a new language. i formed a group that meet reguarly to discuss philosophy.
    this poem that you wrote shows me that you have used your creative gift in a positive way; you will inspire others to take a closer look at life. It will also push you to see what resonates with your dreams. It is a time to open your curiosity as I used to tell my stuents here in Montreal; always question things. things show up in life to push you in the right direction. Living longer should help us to explore who we really are. we are much more than the physical body.


  6. Dianne Marie deFreitas says:

    When I was little and growing up in British Guiana, my Nanny, Joanna Prowell, used to say “After a time, is another time”. I like to travel and garden. I love reading. In fact time does not drag for me… I sew and have granddaughters! Always a dress to be made. Mundane you will say…
    And then there is always the Rosary with so many things to pray for!
    Have a fulfilling 2014. Dianne.


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